Turning your idea into a world-class business

What Is
Rostan Gamma
looking for?

We become involved in early-stage startups that are seeking long-term partnerships to accelerate and ensure their growth and development.

A great business plan requires much more than financial backing to achieve success. Rostan’s hands-on involvement with the founding management teams, helps turn fledging ventures into exciting, long-term businesses. We support and mentor the management team through all the vital stages of growth. We seek to be involved for the long run.


Educational Publishing


Language Schools



Real Estate

Why Rostan Gamma?

Rostan Gamma brings much more to the table than just capital and influence. With vast experience in business development, the Rostan Group, for over 35 years, has mastered the art of building successful companies from the ground up in industries that include Educational Publishing, Ed-tech, Language Schools, Med-tech, Real Estate and Innovative Technologies. The group is privately owned and has established, and continues to operate, many successful companies in Asia, Middle East, Europe, USA and South America.
Rostan Gamma is the Group’s investment arm and specializes in the start-up industry in Israel, partnering with entrepreneurs at the early-stages of their endeavors.
“If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.” Steve Jobs


The Rostan Group operates in many regions of the world.

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